
Saturday, October 02, 2021

Comprehensively Articulated

It appears that the insidious disease of unpatriotism has infected even the highest reaches of government, where the best army in the world (the British Army, for those who hadn't noticed) is not considered sufficiently rah-rah to do a bit of driving without help from a bunch of migrants. Her Majesty's Government preceded its screeching, jack-knifing U-turn on beastly Euro-wog drivers by dashing off a written squeal for help and sending it to a million British residents, apparently more or less at random. Recipients included ambulance drivers whom a spokesbeing claimed the Government does not wish to re-deploy, and some thousands of beastly Euro-wogs who are not qualified to drive heavy-goods vehicles. All in all, things seem much as one would expect in a country where everything's fine and there is no need to panic; to say nothing of the winning country in the simplest trade deal in history.

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