
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Another Broken Egg in our Noble Freedomelette

Ten years after the glorious wog-bombing by Britain and its favouritest chum, the nation of Libya remains mysteriously unbuilt, having thus far failed to usher in a new era of peace, prosperity and stability; which shows once again what a perverse lot these fuzzy-wuzzies are. Nations such as Turkey and Russia, whose motives are less noble than our own, are lurking on the sidelines waiting to take tighter control, because they have noticed that Libya is oil-rich: a fact which self-evidently escaped the international community in its well-meaning fervour to level up the savages. Elections are due in three months, but no agreement has yet been reached on the laws governing the process; and the usual anonymous source has proclaimed that "it may come down to who pays which militia most to stuff the most ballot boxes." Looking on the bright side, this is certainly not an outcome that would displease the former Deputy Conservative leader and present-day Facebook flack Nick Clegg, let alone his gerrymandering bosses in the Bullingdon Club. As far as the present leadership of Global Britain is concerned, further statesmanlike witticisms about clearing up the bodies are undoubtedly a mere matter of time.

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