
Thursday, August 05, 2021

British Justice Doesn't Travel Well

Though plucky little patriots are still thqueaming and thqueaming and thqueaming because the beastly Euro-wogs continue to treat them like foreigners, at least one of the laws to which they object received the prior approval of Pigsticker Dave himself. Admittedly, it remains as yet unclear how far the righteous indignation of British patriots will be appeased by the fact. The first Bullingdon Club administration was minded to let the beastly Euro-wogs charge non-EU nationals a fee to enter the passport-free zone, because Pigsticker Dave and his chums did not anticipate that the charge would ever be applied to Britons. Nevertheless, despite the British people's brilliant success in becoming plucky little non-EU nationals, the beastly Euro-wogs are threatening to apply the law indiscriminately and without reference to the prerogatives of the master race.

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