
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Until Next Time

One of Britain's greatest purveyors of trash outside the House of Commons has received a nearly-resounding slap on the wrist for treating its legal obligations with a degree of seriousness befitting Her Majesty's Government. Biffa was convicted of exporting household waste to India and Indonesia, circumventing red tape by the simple expedient of creative labelling. Having been prosecuted twice in two years and responded with loud squeals about being bullied by the bureaucrats at the Environment Agency, the company suddenly decided that it took its responsibilities seriously after all, and announced its laudable intention to proceed as legally as it can get away with from now on. Doubtless every assistance will be forthcoming thanks to the nation's independence from the beastly Euro-wogs, with its attendant opportunification for ramping up our world-beating planet-saving rhetoric.

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