
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Arch Villainy

Although Her Majesty's Government remains deeply concerned to preserve Great Britain's graven slavers, its attitude towards other aspects of the nation's heritage is almost as casual as towards the demise of living citizens; the Stonehenge motorway extension being merely the most primitive example. More recently a Victorian railway arch has been filled up with concrete, ostensibly on the grounds that it was about to fall down. Like many arguments advanced by Her Majesty's Government, this collapses only when put to the strikingly unfair test of seeing what was said about the arch by the relevant organisation before it went ahead with the vandalism. The Government must now apply to the local authority for retrospective planning permission, since that particular piece of red tape has not yet been abolished in the quest for affordable hovels and prefabricated hospitals. Further cultural improvements are envisaged across the country, thereby cleansing our great nation of the moral burden inflicted upon her by the Victorians with their railways, functioning sewers, public works and manifold other ideological failings.

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